
Teaching Isaiah: Unlocking Isaiah for the Bible Teacher is unavailable, but you can change that!

In the period that Isaiah the prophet lived there was immense political upheaval across the ancient Near East. The people of God had a choice: to follow their own human policies or to follow the promises of God. They chose to be unfaithful. The prophet breaks in and calls them to repent, asking them to stop violating the covenant. This is a message today’s Christians can identify with and can...

of paper exactly match each other) the dimensions of the offences.1 This ‘comfort’ is God himself visiting his people, stepping into history to rescue and restore, which he does in three spectacular and comforting ways. He reveals his glory in bringing his exiled people home (vv. 3–5). He demonstrates his faithfulness by fulfilling his promised word (vv. 6–8). He shepherds his flock, as he exercises on their behalf both his sovereign power and his detailed personal care (vv. 9–11). The shepherd-king
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